Friday, March 23, 2007


All Ipods are cool but not all of them are great.

  • Ipod Shuffles aren't soo good if you want to see a screen and NOT shuffle around to find the song you want to play and they don't hold many songs.

  • Ipod Nanos are great to have! I have one and I love it! I have a red one. They are great because they have a screen, they are small and skinny and you can play music videos on there and the battery when fully charged lasts over 48 hours and you can put photos on it.

  • Ipod videos are awesome! You can put movies, photos, music videos, TV shows and music. The only thing is that if you want a small Ipod , this isn't the right Ipod for you because an Ipod video is big.

  • And you don't want to get the Ipod Dinosaur because it was the first type of Ipod and it's heavier and bigger than the Ipod video.

-Kianu p.s. they don't sale Ipod minis or dinosaur anymore

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